Tuesday, 14 February 2012

can you give me some ideas and answer some questions, please?

Hello. Just going to be a small post. I might be writing a book about my experiences. What do you think is important for me to put in? What should I call it? I'm going to use some of my blogs to help me with my writing and one of my best friends is an author, and she is helping me to.

How can I improve this blog? Is there anything you want to know. Do you want me to stop moaning, etc. Please answer my questions. I am not easily offended I just want to improve my writing. I am going to be putting some artwork and pictures on my blog and my blog is going to get done up by a friend of my other best friend and her boyfriend is going to help me with photography. What would I need pictures of in your opinion.

Thank you for reading my blog, and those of you who have written comments. Thank you very much. You have no idea how much they help and encourage me. Especially when I'm feeling down. I will be doing a proper post, probably tomorrow. I am thinking about doing one about what I do in a normal day, such as how the carers help me. What the nurses do and so on. It may be boring, but it's something to write. Lols x


  1. As a reader it would be interesting to read about your situation but at the same time I would want there to be a happy ending! Not sure this is possible however Emily

  2. First off you have earned the right to moan all you want. Now for the blog, I think more about your daily life(what it takes to get your day going, what it takes to get you ready to go out, to bed, etc., your caregivers), how you feel about the changes in your life, how the people around you have reacted, etc. You need to bring your world to us. We know what the system and the doctors have done, and it sucks, but we also want to know more about you as a person. We want to know what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, what makes you mad, etc. In every situation there is a bit of humor, bring that out sometimes too. Don't only blog when your feeling down, blog when your feeling up too. Pictures are nice too, although I have to admit I don't think I have one picture of myself on my own blog, I need to take my own advice. Pictures of you, where you live, your pets, anything that will help your readers feel they know you better, pictures help bring a visual to the written word. Make your side bar as clutter free as possible, readers can be lazy and don't like to wade through stuff to find anything,drop down boxes are a good way to do this. Go take a quick peek at my personal blog's sidebar (My Haven) and you will see what I am talking about. Using stand alone pages and putting a category bar at the top also helps keep a blog in order and easy to navigate. If I can help in anyway with your graphics, I am a graphic designer, just shoot me an email.

  3. Filling a blog is never easy and they are all so personal for many different reason's. It's your blog so you are most certainly free to do as you so wish and that mean's you can moan! :o)

    I'd most definitely include photo's of anything that is fitting, things that you like, that inspire you and what interests you.

    You could view your blog as a form of a diary and you can therefore choose how often you do a blog post (when practical too of course). I don't have any personal photo's of me anywhere online, but that's me! My blog is about my hobby so that's what I tend to blog about.

    I do agree with Shea's comments. You could also add permanent photo's at the side of your blog.

    Michelle :o)

  4. Hi Emily, I'm a little new to your blog but I second Shea's comments.Especially about the pictures. Its hard to visualize a lot of things when you don't see pictures. Good example is Heather's blog "Paralyzed with Joy" In the short time of me becoming a reader on her blog. I feel like I know her just by seeing all the pictures she attaches with her post. And don't worry about the moans, that's what attracted me to your blog in the first place. Its' real, its EMILY!

  5. Hi, just stumbled across your blog today, wanted to say hi and wish you the best with your goal.
